During the hot days of summer all around the Murcia area you will be able to buy this gorgeous and refreshing drink – Horchata. Made from almonds, sugar, lemon and ice, with a touch of cinnamon this is really a delicious way to use up your leftover almonds from the summer harvest. Keep a home made bottle in your freezer and defrost for 1/2 an hour before serving. I’ve even been known to add a little vodka to mine!
This recipe is from Pedro Pagán Noguera – Pedrico from La Murta

Horchata de Almendras - Almond Milk
- 100 g de azúcar
- 250 g almendra cruda
- Canela en polvo
- Corteza de limón
- 1 l de agua
- 100 g sugar
- 250 g raw almonds
- Cinnamon
- Lemon peel
- 1 l water
Se pela y se quita la piel a las almendras y se trituran con al azúcar y la canela y la corteza de limón.
Se le añade el agua y se bate todo junto.
Se pone a granizar al congelador removiendo de vez en cuando.
Servir espolvoreada con canela polvo.
Grind the raw almonds with the sugar and lemon peel.
Add the water and mix thoroughly.
Put in the freezer and mix around now and then until frozen.
Serve crushed with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top.
Spanish Village Cooking – Recetas del Campo… Over 150 simple, family recipes from a rural village in Spain… Enjoy over 150 simple, family recipes from a small village in Murcia. These recipes have been handed down through generations, grandmother to mother to daughter, making use of local, homegrown ingredients and traditional cooking methods. The chefs of La Murta generously share their secrets, so you can enjoy fresh, Spanish food from the heart of the Sierra del Carrascoy.
This book is in English & Spanish, in Print & in Kindle editions.
Get the book from the Fiesta Committee in La Murta or from Amazon from www.NativeSpain.com