These are very bad! they are so bad I have made them about 10 times to be sure, and they are very bad.
Make more than you need, you will not be able to stop yourself from just checking another one!
Take a look at the photos to see how easy these bad boys are to make.
These would make a great gift at Christmas.
This recipe was provided by Andrés González one of the few men who provided recipes for the village cookery book.

Almendras Garrapiñadas – Sugar Coated Almonds – Spanish Recipe in Spanish & English
- 300 g de almendras con piel
- 150 g de azúcar
- 55 ml de agua
- 300 g almonds with skins
- 150 g sugar
- 55 ml water
En una sartén se pone las almendras, el azúcar y el agua.
Se pone al fuego medio, removiendo durante 10 minutos hasta que se caramelicen.
Se sacan de la sartén y se extienden en la piedra de mármol y se separan unas de otras hasta que se enfríen.
Guardar en recipiente de cristal cerrado.
In a heavy bottomed frying pan add the almonds, sugar and water and heat over a medium flame for 10 minutes, moving all the time, until caramelised.
Remove from the pan and spread out over the clean kitchen work surface, separating the almonds, and allow them to cool.
Store in a glass jar with a lid, unless you eat them all first!
Spanish Village Cooking – Recetas del Campo… Over 150 simple, family recipes from a rural village in Spain… Enjoy over 150 simple, family recipes from a small village in Murcia. These recipes have been handed down through generations, grandmother to mother to daughter, making use of local, homegrown ingredients and traditional cooking methods. The chefs of La Murta generously share their secrets, so you can enjoy fresh, Spanish food from the heart of the Sierra del Carrascoy.
This book is in English & Spanish, in Print & in Kindle editions.
Get the book from the Fiesta Committee in La Murta or from Amazon from