Sometimes called Conejo al Ajillo Cabañil, this is a very old recipe thought to come from the campo farmers when people cooked in their countryside huts or cabins, cabañas – hence Cabañil. There’s an abundance of wild rabbits in the countryside of Murcia, making this dish very economical to prepare, if you hunt your own rabbits of course. It’s best prepared for a group of friends and family, enjoyed around an open fire with plenty of fresh bread. If you don’t like rabbit substitute the same quantity of chicken or lamb.
This is a lovely recipe from María del Loreto Rojo Garcia from La Murta, the wife of our Major. We enjoyed a lunch with them of Michirones and Conejo al Ajillo, followed by Arroz con Leche. All of these recipes are in the book Spanish Village Cooking – Recetas del Campo.

Conejo al Ajillo – Rabbit with Garlic – Spanish Recipe
- 1 conejo
- 1 kg de patatas
- 5 o 6 dientes de ajo
- 1 copa pequeña de vinagre
- Sal
- 250 ml de aceite de oliva
- 1 rabbit
- 1 kg potatoes
- 5-6 cloves of garlic
- 1 small glass of vinegar
- Salt
- 250 ml olive oil
Se parte el conejo a trozos pequeños y se fríe en una sartén. Se prepara hasta que este bien tostado. Se saca de la sartén. Se echan las patatas, partidas finas a la sartén.
Cuando estén fritas se sacan de la sartén, se quita el aceite y se deja un poco en la sartén.
Se echan el conejo y las patatas a la sartén.
Se pican los ajos en el mortero, bien picados.
Se echa el vinagre y un poco de sal. Se mezcla bien.
Se fríe hasta que se consuma el vinagre.
Esta receta es típica de la Región de Murcia.
Cut the rabbit into small pieces (ask your butcher to do this) and fry in the oil in a large frying pan, until well toasted. Remove from the pan.
Add the sliced potatoes and fry, remove from the pan.
Remove most of the oil from the pan, leave just a little. Put the rabbit and potatoes back in the pan. Crush the garlic in a pestle and mortar. Add the vinegar and a little salt and mix well.
Add to the rabbit and potatoes and fry until the vinegar is cooked through.
This is a typical dish of the Murcia Region.
Spanish Village Cooking – Recetas del Campo… Over 150 simple, family recipes from a rural village in Spain… Enjoy over 150 simple, family recipes from a small village in Murcia. These recipes have been handed down through generations, grandmother to mother to daughter, making use of local, homegrown ingredients and traditional cooking methods. The chefs of La Murta generously share their secrets, so you can enjoy fresh, Spanish food from the heart of the Sierra del Carrascoy.
This book is in English & Spanish, in Print & in Kindle editions.
Get the book from the Fiesta Committee in La Murta or from Amazon from