When we started work on the La Murta village cookery book we wanted to include recipes from as many families as possible. This meant that some of our contributors lived here in La Murta but may have come from different places – like me for example, I have a recipe included in the book. This recipe, Rojiaos, comes from the town of Moratalla, in the North West of the region of Murcia. The husband of the cook was born in the small fallen down house that I can see from my window as I type. His wife, María Cruz, was born in Moratalla. This recipe is a marriage of vegetables from the huerta here in Murcia and the flavours of the campo.
It’s an excellent recipe for sharing with groups of friends on a sunny winter’s day. As with many of the recipes from the book it scales well, just get a bigger pan and add more ingredients!
Moratalla is a beautiful Moorish town set in the mountains, with the Revolcadores (2,027 m), the highest peak in the Murcia Region. Wander around the ancient winding streets, enjoy the stroll up to the castle and you’ll get a feel for the place. And you’ll soon find out why hearty dishes like Rojiaos are popular!
This recipe was provided and cooked for us (numerous times, I’m very happy to say) by María Cruz Talavera Sánchez.

Try Rojiaos, Spinach Recipe – Spanish Recipe from Moratalla
- 500 g de espinacas
- 3 to mates maduros
- 3 cabezas de ajos tiernos
- 4 morcillas
- Un poco de hierba buena
- Harina
- Sal y aceite
- 500 g spinach
- 3 ripe tomatoes
- 3 heads of garlic
- 4 morcillas or black puddings
- 1 tsp mint
- 300 g flour
- Salt & olive oil
En el aceite se fríen las morcillas, se sacan y se reservan.
En el mismo aceite se fríe el tomate pelado y partido en trocitos.
Cuando esté casi frito se añaden los ajos pelados, lavado y partidos.
A continuación se echan las espinacas. Cuando estén pochadas se le echa el agua (como litro y medio o dos litros).
Cuando empieza a hervir se le añade la hierbabuena y poco a poco diluyendo la harina hasta que tome la textura deseada (debe de quedar como una crema).
Se rectifica de sal y se echan las morcillas.
Fry the morcilla in the oil, remove and reserve.
In the same oil fry the peeled, chopped tomatoes. When they are almost fried add the peeled, chopped garlic.
Add the spinach and when it is poached add about 1.5l – 2l of water.
When it starts to boil add the mint and a little at a time add flour to bring it to the consistency you want, like thick cream.
Stir and add more water or flour to get the correct consistency.
Taste and check for seasoning, then add the morcillas and serve.
Spanish Village Cooking – Recetas del Campo… Over 150 simple, family recipes from a rural village in Spain… Enjoy over 150 simple, family recipes from a small village in Murcia. These recipes have been handed down through generations, grandmother to mother to daughter, making use of local, homegrown ingredients and traditional cooking methods. The chefs of La Murta generously share their secrets, so you can enjoy fresh, Spanish food from the heart of the Sierra del Carrascoy.
This book is in English & Spanish, in Print & in Kindle editions.
Get the book from the Fiesta Committee in La Murta or from Amazon from www.NativeSpain.com