Going Native In Murcia

Going Native In Murcia

Well, it’s about time that we updated the Going Native In Murcia book. The last edition was finished in 2006, and a lot has happened since then. Not least of all the airport is still not built! So over the next couple of months we’re going to review and revise the whole book, add loads of new information, maps, resources and experiences.

The first edition of the only English language book available for the Murcia region came out in 2005, followed by a major revision in 2006. This has been a labour of love for me and Marcus, we love the region and love sharing what we’ve discovered. We also love hearing from other people who love Murcia and the Costa Cálida. Gosh that’s a lot of love! So this time I’m looking for help. Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be asking specific questions about what you love doing, where you relax, what your favourite food and restaurants are, what you do on rainy days, what’s great about your town, why you moved here, and anything else I can think of that will make the next edition of the book even better.

So, if you live in Murcia (Costa Cálida), have a business here, have visited and have great memories or have a rental property then get in touch. Everyone who helps me will get mentioned in the book, along with a link to their website if they have one. Those people who help me most will get the most prominent mentions. I can only do this with your help, so please let me know what you’re doing.

So the first thing I need is for you to let me know about any great bars, restaurants, businesses you know about or run here in Murcia. Please add them to the resources section, add as much detail as you can, and those entries I like the look of I will review and add to the book. So tell me why they’re great!

Here’s the link to the very simple resources section: http://nativespain.com/add-resource/ – all entries will be moderated so wait a while for it to be available on the site.

Thanks in advance


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